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"It was then I realized the value of these trips, the friendships we make, and how powerful the healing medicine of adventure truly is." Bryan Draper CTOR President
Carolina Trails Off Road Blog Post
We spent two days on the blue and black trails, even some
red sections. The first trail we hit was Yellow Jacket with a black obstacle, Yellow Jacket Ridge. I decided to by-pass the obstacle. I am very cautious now since my upcoming Epic Off Road Adventure. It gave me the chance to relax and be a videographer.
The next trail was Cemetery a black trail with a Red By-pass. I have wheeled this trail previously, so again I got out to walk the trail to get some video. Plus a bonus to work on my spotting skills.
The next day we were back at it with some more intense trails. We tried out the new Krawlin' For Cops trail, a blue / black trail. Since I hadn't wheeled this trail yet I got back in the driver's seat. WOW! My favorite trail at Rausch Creek.
Then we took a jaunt down Trail 13 a purple trail that runs parallel to Rock Creek. I did a little damage to my Jeep. I bent the oil/ transmission skid plate into my exhaust and lost my Vikings tailgate hitch to the rock.
What a great weekend on the trails wheeling with great friends I have meet through off roading. Our paths would have never passed if I hadn't bought my Jeep that fateful Memorial Day in 2013.
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