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Well, I did it. I competed in my first 10k race and finished it. I ran the whole entire 6.2 miles without stopping. I also improved my time by 3 minutes. However, I was very disappointed with myself -- or should I say my body.

Tuesday before the race my leg cramped up -- or so I thought it was a cramp. I spent the next day on a heating pad and stretching. The morning of the race I was nervous -- I was afraid my leg would seize up again -- it did. The first 3 miles of the race my feet and toes were numb. I thought it was from the cold -- and during the whole race my entire right leg, hip and glutes were in pain. But I wasn't going to let my body stop me from my goal. I persevered and pushed through the pain. I figure we tell our kids that everyday so I wasn't about to give up.

My leg is still in pain. From my own internet diagnosis I believe I have sciatic nerve pain. But I'm not quite sure what the cause is. My best guess is I was doing exercises that my old body couldn't handle.
Besides lifting weights at the gym and running 3 days a week, I was doing at home workouts I would get from the internet. My theory is these home workout exercises where doing my body more harm than good. But I will have to wait and see what my MRI says. Not only will they take a picture of my spine but my brain. With previous numbness in my arms and legs the doctor wants to look at everything.
It really sucks getting old. But I'm excited about trying again and running another 10k. This time I would like it if my body didn't let me down. But for the time being I have to wait to see what the test results say. I'm also going to have to remember my body isn't the same as it was 20 years ago. That is the one hard fact that is really hard to live with -- We are getting older and have to learn to adjust.
Back on the Road for my Next Adventure! Happy Trails!

Tuesday before the race my leg cramped up -- or so I thought it was a cramp. I spent the next day on a heating pad and stretching. The morning of the race I was nervous -- I was afraid my leg would seize up again -- it did. The first 3 miles of the race my feet and toes were numb. I thought it was from the cold -- and during the whole race my entire right leg, hip and glutes were in pain. But I wasn't going to let my body stop me from my goal. I persevered and pushed through the pain. I figure we tell our kids that everyday so I wasn't about to give up.

My leg is still in pain. From my own internet diagnosis I believe I have sciatic nerve pain. But I'm not quite sure what the cause is. My best guess is I was doing exercises that my old body couldn't handle.

It really sucks getting old. But I'm excited about trying again and running another 10k. This time I would like it if my body didn't let me down. But for the time being I have to wait to see what the test results say. I'm also going to have to remember my body isn't the same as it was 20 years ago. That is the one hard fact that is really hard to live with -- We are getting older and have to learn to adjust.
Back on the Road for my Next Adventure! Happy Trails!
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