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Jeep Momma Purple DLA Blog Post
Chris also has his own website and does reviews --

I all ready got a feel for a lifted Jeep with larger tires on the trails when I was so lucky enough to wheel the Clayton Off Road Jeep last October.
Women's Wheelin' in the Clayton Off road Jeep Block Post
What a great experience! The ride in his Jeep was amazing.
It drove so much better than my stock Rubicon. One would have thought the ride would have been rougher. But with the right suspension a Jeep -- a Lifted Jeep -- can ride smooth. Taking Chris's Jeep for a spin was also a huge mistake!
I want one soooo bad. I have decided my family will be eating Raman noodles for the next three months, so I can save my money to get a lift, new tires and wheels.
Thanks Chris for a great test drive!
- Simple Living! - Enjoying Life! - The Jeep Momma Way -
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