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Jeep Momma's 50 Before 50 List

For me it is all about growing, and reminding myself I don't need to be like everyone else. I am unique!!! It's okay that I have never tried Sushi or ever watched Gone with the Wind.

As the big Five-Oh approaches, my list has reminded me of what is important to me. My 50 before 50 list was a great reminder that it's not necessarily about what I have done, but have I enjoyed my life? -- am I living it to the fullest? Am I having fun?
For me living life to the fullest means doing things I enjoy, not wasting a moment doing the things that I don't enjoy just because others have done it or it's expected.

I don't think I will ever finish a novel I was suppose to read in high school. Trying to read the Grapes of Wrath was a chore for me. The Grapes of Wrath is an award winning book, but it just isn't for me. Reading a whole chapter about a turtle crossing the road is just not something I enjoy.
So I have officially ended trying to complete my 50 before 50 list. Instead I will do the things I enjoy and make me happy. Words we should all live by! Life is to short to do the things that we are expected to do.
I believe, life isn't about the destination, but the journey. And I am going to enjoy my journey to it's fullest.
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