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As I get older I find having stuff is not really that important in my life. As a matter of fact I don't like having a lot of stuff. Well, except Jeep Stuff of course.
Several years ago, I began a life journey. I was searching for something but I didn't know what it was. My kids were older, and there need for me changed. I was left with an emptiness I needed to fill. So a new life journey began. Along the way I began to share what I found helpful for me.
I have discovered so much about myself. I am more confident and self assured. I have re-discovered passions I had long ago, that I hadn't realized were my passions.
After awhile that just wasn't enough. I actually enjoy de-cluttering my life with challenges like Project 100 or simplifying your life. It gives me more time to enjoy the things I love.
It really gets you thinking about what you need and don't need to be happy. I have begun to embrace life by living with less things, and simplifying my life in general. It's an ongoing process for me.
One example is Christmas time. Every year I would decorate seven Christmas trees in our house. Most of them only sat about four feet tall. It was a very time consuming task. One that I used to enjoy, and would love the outcome. Now it is just another chore as my goals in life have changed.
Last year I didn't put up as many trees. This year I will simplify even more. It is hard to give up the tradition, but when the tradition isn't fun why continue it.
Many things in our lives are just clutter. They get in the way of experiences. So my goal is to get rid of my stuff that isn't necessary. Life should not be about accumulating things. Life should be about accumulating memories and experiences.
A fellow Jeep Girl inspired me as she too was de-cluttering her life beginning her version of Project 100. As I started my research on the Project, I found several folks are also challenging themselves each person with there own set of rules.
As I began my own Project 100 this summer I started with my personal items. It is a continual work in progress. My personal items are down to 60.
However, I am counting my yoga mat, foam roller and stretch bands as one for example. Or my Computer and desk as one. My shoes and coats are counted in this number of 60, but as individual numbers.
I have not included my clothes in this 100, but have reduced my clothes to under 100. Nor have I included our household items that are shared by everyone in the family. Those household items are on their own list as I try to figure out how to minimize the stuff we have in our house, and continue to bring into our house.
My Project 100 continues to evolve. It has started with a de-clutter that actually earned me about $400 as I sold my items at a yard sale and online.
Removing items from your life can lift a load off your shoulders and actually reduce unnecessary stress. For me it's cathartic.
How to get started:
Start simple with a drawer or a cupboard. Then move to a closet or room.
If trying to live with only 100 things is too hard, try the Reverse Project 100. It challenges you to dump 100 things before the end of the year. If you believe living with only 100 things is extreme giving away (selling) 100 things should be a breeze.
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