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Looking for Advice from Fellow Jeepers!!!
Well the countdown to my Warrior Dash mudrun is over. I had a blast crawlin on the rocky trails and running the thick muddy paths in the woods. Knowing how much fun it is to crawl on the rocks and get muddy I can't deny that joy for my Jeep. So I scheduled an Off Road private driving instruction trip to Rausch Creek in Pennsylvania for this weekend.

That countdown begins for my Jeep --Three days until we hit the trails. Just like before my mudrun I am growing nervous by the day. I have never been off road unless you count the back gravel roads of Minnesota and North Dakota as a teen. Or the snow laden roads during the brutal cold winters up North.

So I'm looking to all my Jeep friends out their in the world wide web for some advice and tips for my first time Off the Asphalt. My Jeep is a stock Jeep -- Wrangler Unlimited -- just a pup wanting to hang with the Big Dogs! So any advice you'd like to share I'm listening.
-- Simple Living! -- Enjoying Life! --
-- The Jeep Momma Way --
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