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Not My Typical Post
Some folks would put my blog into the category of a "Mom Blog". But not me... I wouldn't characterize my posts as typical mom blogger posts. My blog is more about my journey to discover this new me -- my journey into my life as a Jeep Mom. I generally don't post about fashion or DIY home decorating or great places to take your kids. I am not looking to review beauty products either.

But -- back in June I was invited to attend the Getting Gorgeous blogger/brand event, hosted by fabulous mom bloggers and social media experts Audrey McClelland of Mom Generations and Vera Sweeney of Lady and the Blog. I attended with my good friend and fellow mom blogger, Jessica of A Parent in Silver Spring and we had a great New York City adventure.
I was able to meet some fellow mom bloggers as well as get a hand and foot massage -- was sized for a new free bra from Bali Intimates -- and introduced to the folks at Alberto VO5.
Since I started my live simple and clean lifestyle I switched to organic type hair and body products. Organic products can get quite spendy and don't always do the trick. I spend a lot of time driving in my Jeep with the top down. My hair gets quite wind blown and is in the sun more often. I found this has dried my hair out more quickly. Those expensive organic products I've been using don't really help to maintain healthy, shiny hair.

But some of the VO5 products intrigued me and I thought ~ what the heck ~ I'll give them a try. So here I am -- with my first beauty product review. I'm not going to get all technical about what's in the product or how it was made. For me it's quite simple, either it works for me or it doesn't.

For me it's all about ease of use, the cost, the smell and does it do what I'm looking for. Especially the cost now - since I've been trying to save up for Jeep parts. And now that I have Jeep hair I'm looking for a product that will keep my hair healthy, shiny and strong.
For two weeks I used the VO5 Salon Series shampoo and conditioner. Both containing 5 essential vitamins and 11 revitalizing oils. Wait -- didn't I say I wasn't going to get into details. Okay... so moving on.

I also used the VO5 Hot Oil Therapy. Their claim was gorgeous, strong, silky hair. I am always looking for quick and easy solutions for my "beauty" routine. And who doesn't want gorgeous, strong, silky hair. But I'm not big on spending lots of time in the bathroom in front of the mirror. For goodness sakes I have better things to do then standing in the bathroom putting goop on my hair and face. I've got Jeep to take out on the trails instead!
So I tried the Hot Oil Therapy. It was so simple and easy for me -- and only requires once a week applications.

First -- soak the bottle of oil in hot water for a minute or two.

WHAAAA -- LA! Your done.
Simple -- Easy and Quick.
I would say I have found my hair is softer and silkier and stronger since using these products. There was a day or two -- out of habit -- I went to use my old shampoo in the shower and I noticed a difference. My hair seemed dry and frizzy.
You can't go wrong with the price compared to the organic products I was using or even those salon hair products that are expensive. I love the smell and the way it makes my hair feel.

VO5 was kind enough to send me these products to use and they would also like to do the same for one of my lucky readers. So check out the giveaway information below to enter yourself into my first Jeep Momma blog giveaway. (Make sure you leave a way for me to contact you.)
a Rafflecopter giveaway
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