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I LOVE my Jeep!
I've said that at least three times a day since I first purchased my 2013 Jeep Wrangler Unlimited - (Sahara Edition) 4 X 4 on Memorial Day. Funny story, how I came to be a Jeep owner. Technically, my husband Robert is the Jeep owner - on paper - but I.... own the keys.
For years Robert's dream car had been a Jeep. Notice I said HAD...that story comes later. I always squashed that dream, because it didn't seem like a sensible vehicle for a family with small children to own. In my family, I was called the Happy Fun Killer, and being the responsible - Helicopter Mom - I was (notice I said the past tense WAS) I would say No to getting a Jeep! Like the old saying goes... If I only knew then what I know now ...
What a great time our family would of had. How different my(our) life would be. To be a part of the Jeep community! Ahhh... well, I can't dwell on the past that I can't change. I can only live today like it's my last.
So... The Jeep idea slowly started to implant itself into my subconscious. Two dad's, in my older son's Boy Scout Troop, are Jeep owners. I remember now seeing the their Jeeps on many occasions, but at the time I never really saw them. I guess I was too busy taking care of things in my life - too busy to "stop and smell the roses". But, subconsciously I saw them. One dad brought his Jeep on a camp out. I was more relaxed at this camp out, because I didn't need to take care of things in my life. The boys were in charge, and I could sit back and relax. I saw the Jeep, and was mesmerized - the seed was planted.
Two weeks later, we were eating dinner at a local Mexican restaurant, and my youngest son Ben was playing with Siri on my Iphone. He was asking her silly questions. One was where is the nearest Lego store? Then, he decided to ask where the nearest Jeep Dealer was - low and behold. It was only blocks away - Darcars Chrysler Jeep Dodge of Rockville. So after dinner we stopped by, and the love affair began.
5-29-13 TRUE LOVE!!!
The dealership was closed, but this Jeep Wrangler Unlimited - (Sahara Edition) 4 X 4 - manual transmission was unlocked, and we took a peek. It was Love at first sight! The next day we spent lots of time on the internet looking at used Jeeps. The used Jeeps were just as much money as the brand new Jeeps. So, we decided a new Jeep would be the way to go - IF and it's a big IF, we were going to buy a new vehicle. Which we desperately wanted to do since we hated our current lemon - oops, I mean car. Unfortunately, we still had two years left on our lemon - oops, I meant car again - which shall remain unnamed - as we are too embarrassed to admit we owned this lemon - I mean car or crossover as they call it. Plus, we didn't have any money for a down payment.
Monday morning, Memorial Day rolls around, and we decided - what the heck, let's take a test drive to see if we even would like the ride of a Jeep. Need I say more. WE LOVED IT!!!! But, there is still the little factor of a down payment. So, on the way home we stopped by the post office box, and low and behold a huge check was waiting for us. Fate intervened. Robert dropped the boys and myself off at home, and he headed back to the dealer. And now I am the proud owner of a Jeep Wrangler Unlimited - (Sahara Edition) 4 X 4. Or should I say Robert is the proud owner of a a Jeep Wrangler Unlimited - (Sahara Edition) 4 X 4. But, I have the keys!
First Day Home!
Back on the Road (BotR) for my Next Adventure!
Happy Trails!
Happy Trails!
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