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Rubicon Mom
When I originally bought my Jeep Wrangler Sahara, I never envisioned myself going off-road and engaging 4 low. Now -- I can't imagine my life without being able to take my Rubicon and hitting the trails.
First Time
I still remember my first time -- who doesn't. It was exhilarating, exciting, and I never wanted it to end. No, I'm not talking about sex, this was so much better than that first time.

Magic Button
I pushed the button, and started down the hill. He told me to take my foot off the brake. It was a hard concept to accept, but I had the utmost trust in him. Once I reached the bottom of the hill, I was speechless and absolutely amazed at how my Jeep performed. To this day it still boggles my mind that the Jeep drove itself down that hill.
Since that time I have used the button a total of three times.
Rausch Creek Drving 201 Instruction Hill Descent Control Systems ENGAGED!
Women's Wheelin' Day Hill Descent Control Systems ENGAGED!
Rausch Creek Driving 201 Instruction -- Driving down hill without Engagement

The Hill Descent Control system helps monitor throttle, speed and braking while traveling down a steep hill. Monitoring throttle and braking is one of the tips a fellow Jeeper said was an important off-roading tip. I would have to agree. Not understanding the full potential of your Jeep and the proper use of the brakes and throttle could get you and your Jeep into a not so good situation.
Off-Road Cheating ???
While I believe using that button is kinda like off-road cheating, it is giving me the experience and understanding on how to properly operate my Jeep while off the beaten path.
So, while I learn more about throttle and braking control, I will continue to use the magic little button until I feel more confident in my driving abilities. Each time I hit the trails I become more and more confident. So some day that magic button won't be so magic anymore.
- Simple Living! - Enjoying Life! - The Jeep Momma Way -
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