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The job search became very depressing. I started to doubt myself, and wonder if I would ever be able to find a job that would be more than a minimum wage job.
Finally, about two weeks ago I received a call. A friend suggested I would be a perfect fit for a position in an elevator design company. I went to check it out, and now I am a full-time working mom. Check Off #33 50 Before 50 List.
After 16 years of staying home to raise my boys I begin a new life adventure. I am excited to start this journey. This position as an office manager/Asst. Project Manager is the perfect job for my skill set and my love for organization.
I look forward to this new adventure! Now I can stop selling my kids' Legos for Jeep parts.
- Enjoying Life! - Simple Living! -
- The Jeep Momma Way -
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