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It's funny how things in life come full circle. I see our system of communications doing just that -- but with a new twist. Many, many decades ago Americans counted on the Pony Express (or word of mouth) to deliver news from around the country. As technology grew our forms of communication did as well. Television news became one of the most important forms of communication in this country during the past century. An industry that was one of my first loves. I spent about 15 years in that industry before I became a stay-at-home mom. It's a love that still lies dormant inside of me.
Now, as technology grows, so does our form of communications. Just as the Pony Express became obsolete so is our current form of television news. It must evolve as our technology evolves. But it seems we have come full circle with all the social media out in cyberspace. Social Media is a form of the Pony Express or word of mouth with a twist. And now the big communication companies are grabbing hold and taking rein. Once again I find myself a part of it. The love lying dormant is awakening.
As a blogger these companies are counting on us to "get the word out". I was able to do just that last Thursday evening when I was invited to a promotional event at Macy's at Metro Center in downtown DC. #Americanicons -- a shopping promotion.
Spring and summer are upon us and it's time to get out and see (and buy!) the great new fashions for the season. I was able to be a part of that and spread the word through Twitter, Instagram, Facebook and Google plus.

I headed downtown with my fellow friend, neighbor and mom blogger, Jessica - a parent in Silver Spring We hopped on the metro and made our way to Macy's at Metro Center in downtown DC. Looking forward to a night out with out the kids and a little bit of shopping.

While checking out the latest fashions at Macy's - Metro Center, we enjoyed some music, appetizers with an American flare and favorite American drinks.

A special area was set aside where we could check out the latest Macy's #Americanicons fashions with live action maniquins rotating through out the store. Mini displays of other services Macy's provides as well- hair, make up and nails - were also there for us to check out. We both sat down to enjoy our mini-manicure while sipping on a glass of wine. However we did a lot of looking but not enough shopping for my tastes so I will be venturing back to Macy's to find myself something fun to wear this summer on the beach!
And of course as things change -- but stay the same -- we all have become little reporters with our social media sites but now it is accpeted to become part of the story. With the birth of selfies that has made it okay for all of us to be part of the story. I did just that Thursday Evening and made my way up on stage for a little "selfie" time - The Jeep Momma Way!

-- Simple Living! -- Enjoying Life! --
-- The Jeep Momma Way --
Now, as technology grows, so does our form of communications. Just as the Pony Express became obsolete so is our current form of television news. It must evolve as our technology evolves. But it seems we have come full circle with all the social media out in cyberspace. Social Media is a form of the Pony Express or word of mouth with a twist. And now the big communication companies are grabbing hold and taking rein. Once again I find myself a part of it. The love lying dormant is awakening.

Spring and summer are upon us and it's time to get out and see (and buy!) the great new fashions for the season. I was able to be a part of that and spread the word through Twitter, Instagram, Facebook and Google plus.

I headed downtown with my fellow friend, neighbor and mom blogger, Jessica - a parent in Silver Spring We hopped on the metro and made our way to Macy's at Metro Center in downtown DC. Looking forward to a night out with out the kids and a little bit of shopping.

While checking out the latest fashions at Macy's - Metro Center, we enjoyed some music, appetizers with an American flare and favorite American drinks.

A special area was set aside where we could check out the latest Macy's #Americanicons fashions with live action maniquins rotating through out the store. Mini displays of other services Macy's provides as well- hair, make up and nails - were also there for us to check out. We both sat down to enjoy our mini-manicure while sipping on a glass of wine. However we did a lot of looking but not enough shopping for my tastes so I will be venturing back to Macy's to find myself something fun to wear this summer on the beach!
And of course as things change -- but stay the same -- we all have become little reporters with our social media sites but now it is accpeted to become part of the story. With the birth of selfies that has made it okay for all of us to be part of the story. I did just that Thursday Evening and made my way up on stage for a little "selfie" time - The Jeep Momma Way!

-- Simple Living! -- Enjoying Life! --
-- The Jeep Momma Way --
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