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Finally the warmer weather has arrived. Hooray!
Warmer weather equals top down on my Jeep and time to zipper off those windows.

I love to ride around with the top down on my Jeep any chance I get -- even when I'm out running errands. Which opens up the chance of things inside my Jeep from getting stolen. It would be nice to know that everyone is honest and wouldn't even think of stealing. But my comfort level for that happening is not very good.

I don't keep a whole lot in the back of my Jeep but the things I do, I want to keep safe - my camping chair, extra workout gear, my Jeep emergency kit and my reusable grocery totes. Those grocery totes are pretty valuable here since we now have a tax on plastic bags.
I've been searching the web looking for a lockable storage unit. There is such a variety it's a little overwhelming. Plus some are pretty expensive, too expensive for me. I would rather save my money for new tires.
If you have a storage unit you use in your Jeep let me know where you got yours and what kind it is. I find that is the best way to get something good -- from the recommendation from a fellow Jeep Lover!
-- Simple Living! -- Enjoying Life! -- The Jeep Momma Way --
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