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Wonderful Family
Always at the top of my list is my wonderful family. I know there are days when they drive me crazy, but every night before I fall asleep I am grateful for how wonderful they truly are and thankful they are healthy and happy. My boys are the most amazing boys in the world and I am grateful they are in my life.
My Health
As I get older, doing things I did when I was younger becomes more difficult each day. I am truly blessed that I am healthy and fit. But that does not come easy. It takes dedication and hard work everyday.
My Friends
Without friends this world would be a very lonely place. In this new era of instant communication the term "Pen Pal" takes on a whole different meaning. My friends have grown these past couple of years. I have made new friends and re-connected with old friends. I am thankful for all these friends old and new, in person and online.

My Jeep
As I grow older I realize how time goes by too quickly. Since purchasing my first Jeep back in 2013, I have adopted a whole new attitude - Live Life to the Fullest with No Regrets. Originally my Jeep was a fun vehicle to drive around topless, but... now it has become a lifestyle. I have finally found my passion -- my blog, off-roading and everything Jeep. It has given me a new outlook on life and opened new doors for new friendships I would have not otherwise had.
I am also thankful for all the military men and women who sacrifice their time to allow me to have the freedoms I enjoy everyday.
I am thankful to live in a country where I have the freedom to drive the vehicle of my dreams and write whatever my heart desires.
I am thankful for the room over my head, the food on my table, and the friendships I've formed. I am thankful for all the simple things in life we sometimes take for granted.
So... as I sit and reflect today about what I am thankful for, I will remember to be grateful for the things I do have, and look for the good in everything I have. There is always someone out there worse off than me. Don't sweat the small stuff, Right?!?
- Simple Living! - Enjoying Life! - The Jeep Momma Way -
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