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There are a few techniques I wish I would have known those first few times I hit the trails.
Jeep Momma's Garage - Off Road Basics You Tube Video

This technique should also be used when you need to stop and restart a vehicle on a steep incline.
Another important key for a successful off-road trip is controlling your vehicle.
Each different terrain has a different effect on the steering which means you always need to keep a firm grip on the steering wheel and maintain a good driving posture.
Even when your Jeep goes off camber you need to keep your back parallel to the seat.
You need to resist the urge to stay “upright” and go “off camber” in your seat with the Jeep. This will help you become familiar with what it feels like and give you a better feel for off camber situations to help you control your Jeep better.
Airing down your tires is a must to give you a bigger footprint while you are out on the trails or in the sand or mud or snow. When you do air down you need to be aware of your air pressure while you are off-road. Reduced tire pressures could cause tire unseating and total loss of air pressure. To reduce the risk of tire unseasting while at a reduced tire pressure, reduce your speed and avoid sharp turns or abrupt maneuvers.
Slowing down in general is a good idea anyways. Take your time to traverse those obstacles and trails to prevent any damage or injury. Taking your time also allows you to enjoy nature and gives you a break from the busy everyday stresses of life.
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