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Friday's Fotos of the Week
Spring has Sprung!
No, not that kinda Spring.
I am so glad Spring has finally arrived. This has been a very long and cold winter. I was tired of all the frigid wet weather and being stuck indoors. My options were limited for snapping photos. Now with the arrival of Spring it means Summer is just around the corner and the kids will be out of school. The opportunities for adventure abound. I'm very excited for the opportunity to get creative with my photography.
The arrival of Spring means a blossoming of colors. The first color we see here in Maryland is yellow -- yellow daffodil and yellow forsythia. When taking pictures of flowers you really need to get in close. I found it to be very difficult with the lens I have. My lens is pretty basic, so now I am researching new camera lenses.

On my adventure to find my passion I discovered my long lost love of photography. It wasn't until I started to reflect on my life about what I enjoyed did I remember that love I had was younger. Also I had a career as a videographer. Then dedicated myself to my kids. Now that my kids are older I have begun a search for the next steps in my life. I have found photography to be very relaxing and a way to express my creative self. It's also a way to show the world how I see life.
Simple Living! -- Enjoying Life!-- The Jeep Momma Way!
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