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#Inked #ILoveMyTattoo #Tattoo
It's true what they say about getting a tattoo ~ "They are addicting!" For me that is so true. Not even a week after I got my first tattoo I was already scheduling my second appointment. Within the month I drove back to Classic Electric Tattoo and was inked for a second time.
The first question everyone asks is "Does it hurt?" Well, of course it does! They are cutting into my skin. But in all honesty, for me it's a good kind of hurt because I know the outcome is going to be something beautiful and it's worth the pain. Kind of -- Mind you I say KIND OF -- like giving birth. I know, I know the pain is a gazillion times worse giving birth. But in the end it's worth it and you quickly forget how much it hurt.
For me a tattoo isn't just a tattoo for the sake of getting inked. My tattoos have special meaning to me personally. They are reminders.
The violets on my wrist are in memory of my grandmother - her favorite flowers. And of course my favorite color is purple.
The dragonfly for instance has several symbolic meanings that all fit into this particular moment in my life. -- A dragonfly represents change and is a reminder that when our deeper thoughts come to the surface we must pay attention. A dragonfly also lives a very short life. The dragonfly knows to live it's life to the fullest.
Seeing the dragonfly everyday reminds me to live my life to the fullest ~~ go after what I want full throttle. It's how I'm living my life now. It's time to make things happen and go for it. No holding back, life is too short to say I'll do it later or next year. I am now actively working towards my goals, checking them off my list one at a time and creating new goals.
Now that tattoo number two has healed I have already begun the process of tattoo number three. I know what design I would like. Now I need to figure out where it will go. This tattoo will be more about my personality and who I am. I also have thoughts on number 4 as well.
Life is too short to sit around and say later... The time to live is now in the present - time to make things happen. Just like the Jeep Motto... Go Anywhere! Do Anything!
-- Simple Living! -- Enjoying Life! -- The Jeep Momma Way --
It's true what they say about getting a tattoo ~ "They are addicting!" For me that is so true. Not even a week after I got my first tattoo I was already scheduling my second appointment. Within the month I drove back to Classic Electric Tattoo and was inked for a second time.

For me a tattoo isn't just a tattoo for the sake of getting inked. My tattoos have special meaning to me personally. They are reminders.
The violets on my wrist are in memory of my grandmother - her favorite flowers. And of course my favorite color is purple.

Seeing the dragonfly everyday reminds me to live my life to the fullest ~~ go after what I want full throttle. It's how I'm living my life now. It's time to make things happen and go for it. No holding back, life is too short to say I'll do it later or next year. I am now actively working towards my goals, checking them off my list one at a time and creating new goals.
Now that tattoo number two has healed I have already begun the process of tattoo number three. I know what design I would like. Now I need to figure out where it will go. This tattoo will be more about my personality and who I am. I also have thoughts on number 4 as well.
Life is too short to sit around and say later... The time to live is now in the present - time to make things happen. Just like the Jeep Motto... Go Anywhere! Do Anything!
-- Simple Living! -- Enjoying Life! -- The Jeep Momma Way --
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