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I went to the Jeep forums for help on how to remove the wax. There were several suggestions I tried as you can see in my May Blog Post .
The last one I tried was using peanut butter. At first it looked like it removed the wax. Well, it didn't. I noticed the other day the wax magically reappeared. Note: No squirrels tried to eat my fenders.

So I went searching for suggestions again. There were several more I received. Back to Black Heavy Duty Trim Cleaner, Fluid film, and Dawn dish soap.

I decided to go with the Dawn dish soap. It was a bust. The wax is still there. Now I wonder if maybe it was just too cold or I didn't scrub enough.
I think I will put up with the wax for now, until it warms up. Maybe I will just decide to rip those plastic fenders of and get new ones.
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